September Coffee Co

September - Wilder Lasso: Geisha

Regular price $48.00 CAD
Sale price $48.00 CAD Regular price $0.00
Tasting Notes: Jasmine, Raspberry, Grape

In the cup you will get a very juicy profile of raspberry and green grapes, intense florals that reminds one of jasmine, a tropical sweetness like passionfruit and a juicy malic acidity. This coffee has a long finish and a silky body. This is one of the nicest geishas the team at September had in a while, and likely one of the most expressive they have shared in 2024. Wilder Lasso (or Lazo) is actually a veterinarian specialized in livestock farming. As the coffee price continued to decline in 2016 and his father fell seriously ill, he decided to bring the family farm up to speed together with his brother. Initially, their coffees scored between 80-83 points on the cupping scale, despite elaborate processes and preparations. Wilder started examining soil samples and using targeted nutrients and fertilizers to neutralize the pH value, thereby increasing the availability of nutrients for the coffee trees. He refers to this as precision agriculture.

coffee bag size Quantity: 200g
coffee format Format: Roasted Whole Bean
coffee country of origin Origin: Colombia
coffee origin type Origin Type: Single Origin
coffee region Region: Huila
coffee producer/farm Producer: Wilder Lasso
coffee variety Variety: Geisha
coffee farm altitude Altitude: 1550 meters
coffee process Process: Anaerobic Washed
caffeine level Caffeine: Full Caffeine
coffee brew method Brew Method: Filter
coffee roast levelRoast Level: Light
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