Kape Philippine Coffee

Kapé - Kuya Onad Dicdican

Regular price $25.00 CAD
Sale price $25.00 CAD Regular price $0.00
Tasting Notes: Chocolate Fudge, Raisin, Sampaloc Candy

Kuya Onad’s Kapé is the product of community effort. Grown by the Dicdican family, this catimor was processed by Ate Marivic Dubria, a specialty coffee pioneer in Davao del Sur. The beans were fermented for weeks before being dried in raised beds, consistently being turned for evenness in drying.Chocolate fudge notes hit your taste buds on first sip, punctuated by pulpy fruity notes. The natural processing comes through nicely in a subtle tartness reminiscent of sweet sampaloc (tamarind candy), a favourite Filipino treat.

coffee bag size Quantity: 250g
coffee format Format: Roasted Whole Bean
coffee country of origin Origin: Philippines
coffee origin type Origin Type: Single Origin
coffee region Region: Bansalan
coffee producer/farm Producer: Kuya Onad Dicdican
coffee variety Variety: Catimor
coffee farm altitude Altitude: 1500 meters
coffee process Process: Natural
caffeine level Caffeine: Full Caffeine
coffee brew method Brew Method: Filter or Espresso
coffee roast levelRoast Level: Medium
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