We only work with high quality, like-minded brands. We form relationships with our manufacturers, and help their products grow within the specialty coffee community across Canada! Here are the brands we work with:
- 1883
- 3FE
- Able
- Acaia
- Acme & Co.
- AeroPress
- Aesir
- American Weigh
- Apax Lab
- April
- Atago
- Baratza
- Barista Basics
- Basics Machine Shop
- Bathtub Coffee
- Bellman
- Bentwood
- Bonavita
- Brew Rite
- Cafelat
- Caffewerks
- Caffènation
- ceado
- Cerapotta
- Chemex
- Christine Rollings
- Coffee Libre
- CoffeeSock
- Comandante
- Cookplay
- Created Co.
- Crop to Cup
- DF Grinders
- Duomo
- Duralex
- Earth's Own
- Espazzola
- Espresso Parts
- Espro
- Etkin
- Fable
- Fellow
- Fiorenzato
- Firefly Books
- Flair Espresso
- Foreward Coffee Roasters
- Graycano
- Great Jones
- HandyBrew
- Hollander
- Huskee
- Idle
- James Hoffmann
- Kaffelogic
- Kalita
- KeepCup
- Kiss the Hippo
- Kruve
- Le Nez du Café
- Leverpresso
- LF Spare Parts
- Litmus Coffee Labs
- Lotus Coffee Products
- Luna Coffee
- Melodrip
- MiiR
- Milkadamia
- Morning
- Morning Coffee
- Motta
- Namusairo Coffee
- nextlevel
- notNeutral
- nucleus
- Nuttii
- Oatbox
- Oatly
- Opal
- Pallo
- Peak Water
- Perfect Coffee Water
- Pietro
- Porlex
- Precise Brew
- Proper by Design
- Proper Syrups
- Ratio
- Rebel Chocolates
- Rekrow
- Rise Coffee
- Roots
- Saint Anthony Industries
- Sarjesa
- Say When
- Scott Rao
- Sibarist
- sinonimo
- Space Roastery
- SSP Grinding Solution
- Standout Coffee
- Subminimal
- supergood
- Suprima
- Taylor Naoko
- Technivorm
- The Coffee Brewer's Logbook
- The Gabi
- The Rising Force Kitchens Co. LTD
- Third Wave Water
- Timemore
- Toddy
- Umeshiso
- Urnex
- Wacaco
- Weber Workshops
- Wendougee