Tim Wendelboe - Los Pirineos Pacamara Honey Espresso Christmas Edition
COF-TW-0011Tim Wendelboe presents a sweet and distinctly fruity Pacamara from Los Pirineos, expertly honey processed to highlight subtle fermented flavours reminiscent of strawberries and ripe stone fruits, roasted specifically for espresso. The meticulous drying process at Los Pirineos guarantees a smooth texture and clean finish, with constant turning during drying to prevent uncontrolled fermentation. Selected for the “Christmas Edition” due to its exceptional quality, this coffee makes a perfect gift for coffee lovers. After hand-picking and de-pulping, the cherries are dried on shaded raised beds, and the final product is stored in airtight grain pro bags before milling and vacuum packing for shipment to Norway.
A Beginner's Guide to Choosing Your Next Coffee Bag
With Nick Francisco