Epoch Chemistry - Epoch Exclusive: CGLE Honey Geisha
COF-EP-0031Produced by Rigoberto and Luis Herrera at Finca Las Margaritas in Caicedonia, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, this Red Geisha variety is grown at elevations up to 1,850 meters. The honey process begins with manual and rigorous picking at peak ripeness, indicated by a Brix reading of 19-22. The cherries undergo an initial fermentation in whole cherry for 19 to 22 hours, followed by depulping without water. A second fermentation occurs in parchment with mucilage for 35 hours. This meticulous processing results in a creamy and vibrant cup profile with notes of ginger candy, lavender, pineapple, and milk chocolate, showcasing the exceptional quality and dedication of the producers
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