
Friedhats - Bookkisa Espresso

Regular price $28.00 CAD
Sale price $28.00 CAD Regular price $0.00
Tasting Notes: Milk chocolate, Strawberry, Creamy

Some things are made to last. They’re bred that way. To be strong, versatile, immune. Think of the desert camel - storing resources in its own back, able to go for days without food or water; think of the wood frog that freezes its own body to survive -80 celsius temperatures only to thaw out again in the spring… now think of the JARC coffee varietals Gibirinna 74110 and Serto 74112. These two now make up some of the most planted coffees in Ethiopia due to their resistance to the Coffee Berry Disease. This coffee comes from the group Sookoo, and is from the kebele mill Bookkisa. Made up of the aforementioned JARC varietals, its cup profile is filled with milk chocolate and strawberry, with the creamy mouthfeel we all love in a naturally processed Ethiopia.

coffee bag size Quantity: 250g
coffee format Format: Roasted Whole Bean
coffee country of origin Origin: Ethiopia
coffee origin type Origin Type: Single Origin
coffee region Region: Guji
coffee producer/farm Producer: Sookoo Coffee
coffee variety Variety: JARC 74110 & 74112
coffee farm altitude Altitude: 2173 meters
coffee process Process: Natural
caffeine level Caffeine: Full Caffeine
coffee brew method Brew Method: Espresso
coffee roast levelRoast Level: Medium
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