Apex Coffee Imports, a Canadian green coffee* importer, sources specialty coffees in a fair and equitable manner. Their focus is on fostering positive relationships between coffee producers and clients and highlighting the hard work of small family farms by supporting these producers year after year.
*Green coffee is the raw, unroasted form of coffee beans that must be roasted before consumption.
Origin: Colombia
Origin: Type: Single Origin
Region: Huila
Producer: Gilberto Rojas
Format: Green Coffee
Process: Washed
Caffeine: Full Caffeine
Variety: Colombia
Click HERE for the Kaffelogic Roast Profile associated with this coffee!
* This coffee is currently on sale as it is from an older crop, making it a great option for those wanting to practice their roasting skills. While not at peak freshness, it still delivers interesting flavours and a great learning experience. *