Loveless Coffees - Los Nogales
COF-LL-0025This special low-caf coffee comes from Angie and Oscar Hernandez at Finca Los Nogales in Nariño, Colombia. Known for their award-winning typica variety that won this year's US Brewers Cup Championship, this lot is a caturra using the same meticulous processes. The cherries undergo a unique method involving thermal shock and a 90-hour fermentation with lactobacilli in plastic barrels. Post-fermentation, the cherries are depulped and soaked in their own mucilage and ethyl acetate for 48 hours. Ethyl acetate significantly dissolves caffiene content. Whiel this is not a full decaf coffee, lab results from Oscar's team shwos about a third of caffiene content remaining. With its exceptional fermentation and flavor development, this coffee offers unparalleled sweetness and flavor in the low-caf category.
A Beginner's Guide to Choosing Your Next Coffee Bag
With Nick Francisco